Hello! Welcome to my brand new blog!
As you might already know, I'll be spending six weeks in Japan this April and May. Rather than try to keep everyone up-to-date through email, I decided to create this blog.
I suppose the big question people have is, why? Partially, it's because I have a 6-week sabbatical from work, and I have to do something with it. But specifically, while I've visited other countries, I've never tried to live anywhere else. I miss never having had this life experience, so, better late than never. There are lots of places I could go that would be easier, I think, but I like the fact that I'll be putting myself outside of my comfort zone for awhile.
I've been studying Japanese for about 2 years now, so I won't be completely lost. But honestly, I'm probably only as good at it as a first grader. I will be attending Japanese school full-time for the first three weeks, and then spending the next three weeks just having fun.
More info soon...
Oh, the blog title? 「日本にいるポール」 means "Paul in Japan." Clever, huh?