Today was my last day of classes. It was a bittersweet moment. I really had a good time at the school. The teachers and students were all very nice and it was great to get to know the students from all over the world.
One of today's lessons was superlatives. The teacher would say,「日本」(Japan) and「高い」(high, tall) and the student would say, 「日本でどこが一番高いですか。」(What is the highest place in Japan?) and then someone would reply, 「富士山です。」(It's Mount Fuji.) At one point, the teacher said, 「クラス」(class) and 「しんせつ」(nice) and the whole class answered, 「ポールさんです!」(It's Paul-san!). It brought a tear to my eye; all of these students are young enough to be my children! Although I think it had most to do with the fact that I brought cookies or other snacks to class every day to share during the breaks.
Here's a picture of the whole class, taken a few days ago.
Here are pictures of me with some of the order, 関根真奈美先生(月)、石倉先生 (木)、石井先生(火、金)、福田先生。(Ms. Nekine Manami (Monday), Ms. Ishikura (Thursday), Ms. Ishii (Tuesday, Friday), and Mr. Fukuda.) Unfortunately I didn't get a picture with my Wednesday teacher, 戸田先生 (Mr. Toda) but he is visible way on the left in the upper picture. 福田先生 (Mr. Fukuda) wasn't one of my class teachers, but he did the orientation for English-speaking students back when I entered, and was very helpful throughout.
クリスティーナさん (Christina-san) is a student from Italy; today was also her last day. Here we are getting our completion certificates.
Here are some of the students in the class.
Special call outs to じょさん, on the left, who sat next to me the two weeks, スリアナさん, in front, who is a great artist and fellow cat-lover, and キムさん, on the right, who was always especially friendly!!!
Here's a video of me getting my certificate, some graded homework, answer books to the text so I can continue my studies, and copies of the class picture with everyone having added little notes. Then we made little speeches...unfortunately I bobbled a little bit.
My speech:
Everyone, thank you. When you have a job, school is a vacation. It was a lot of fun. I will never forget it. I wish you good luck.
Busy week coming's Golden Week, a whole week of holidays in Japan. Going to go to some festivals, to Tokyo's first ever Gay Pride Parade, on a couple of day trips with some students, and of course to some amusement parks!